
She's finally here... NATALIA KILLS!

Okay, so I know I mentioned a few things about her a while ago. Upcoming artist, compared to Lady GaGa (since both have worked with CherryTree Records), her promo single 'zombie' has been around the web for a while, and I know I said soon everyone is going to be deep into her music. Well, still I stand for what I’ve said, and I’m very positive this will surely happen. It keeps getting closer and closer, trying to figure out what her music really is going to be like. I know for a fact it's like nothing we've ever heard before. I guess that's the reason they compare her to GaGa, they both have unique styles and their creativity drives their artistry.

Just like GaGa who released 'The Fame: Mini Film' way before anyone knew about her (I remember falling crazy in love with that unknown blonde chick's music, of course back then there wasn't much info about her but clips of a few of her tracks). That is why I can honestly say I’m a true GaGa fan. But enough about that, NATALIE KILLS has also released the first clip of her own mini-film called 'Love, Kills xx' through youtube, and I cannot wait for this artist to blow up the music industry. I’ve also been a fan of her since her artist name was 'Verbz', then 'Natalia Capuccini'... catch my drift?

So here I leave you with the first chapter of the many soon to come clips of this beautiful singer.


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