
Aggro Santos Feat. Kimberly Wyatt (PCD)

Well as most of you guys know, PCD has broken up already as a group. The only exception was Nicole (obviously), and I’m pretty sure the casting for the new pussycats has already been done. Btw, did you guys know the other pussycats weren't considered artists? I know, shocking right? They were actually considered employees of Interscope Records. It was included in their contract that they would have a certain salary. But anyways, I’ve also mentioned how the other 4 pussycats (Jessica Sutta, Kimberly Wyatt, and Ashley Roberts) are planning on doing their own thing, there is a possibility though that Melody Thornton may still return. 'If this does happen, I must admit it's the smartest decision Robin Antin (creator of the PCD), Melody was once casted as the main lead vocalist but Nicole ended up getting that part. Her vocals are shockingly great, and letting go of her would be stupid. But here we have Kimberly Wyatt, another ex-member of the pussycat dolls. 'You know, one of the hot blondes HAHA', well although she already stated she's already got plans to release her own album, here's a collaboration she did with Brazilian/British rap vocalist Aggro Santos. This is a new track, which will be released as his first official single next month (May 2, 2010) called 'Candy'. But you get to hear it here first! It's beyond awesome, I love it! Enjoy!

Aggro Santos Feat. Kimberly Wyatt 'Candy'


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