
Jeanette 'Undress to the beat'

Okay so I must admit I first found a small similarity between her music and Heidi Montag's but I was way off. Jeanette Biedermann (whom I’ve never heard of in my defense) is a famous German pop singer. She's had a few gold certified albums, lots of singles, and she's also a TV actress. What I can say is that although their music styles sound a bit pop trashy. This girl actually CAN sing... unlike Montag. (Please take it personal Heidi... 'NO jk intended') I've been listening to a few of Jeanette's acoustic performances and I enjoyed every one of em'. Here's her first single off of her seventh album (I know crazy right?) 'Undress to the Beat '. It's not new (2009) but it's worth a listen... Enjoy!

Jeanette 'Undress to the Beat'


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