
Miranda Cosgrove's 'SPARKS FLY'

Miranda Cosgrove….. Hmm okay so to be honest and say that I never really liked her past singles for her Nickelodeon series iCarly. But throughout this weekend I got to listen to her full new album ‘Sparks Fly’ (which is already available btw) *cough* see, this is free promotion ppl LMAO. Anyways, I must admit the album impressed me in many different ways. I no longer see her as another pop trash artist, although her vocal range isn’t as good as I would hope; despite these things, she definitely shows she has talent as a singer. The album overall has a basic pop kind of vibe inside out (nothing new) but it's decent. The song that got me to listen to the full album in the first place was ‘Kissin U’. Not bad at all, it’s a ballad type of song; something worth listening. ‘There Will be Tears’ is the type of track that reminds me of THE VERONICAS. It has that type of music style, strange enough she actually sounds a bit like them too in this song LOL but what shocked me the most was the track ‘Disgusting’. I’ve had this track for almost 2 years but as unreleased KE$HA demo, and to hear Cosgrove sing it was a bit weird. Of course Miranda’s version has toned-down lyrics since she is aiming at a younger audience (you don't want kids listening to their favorite iCarly character singing about killing boys for love and using god's name in vain haha). *cough* Back to the music, personally I love both, even though KE$HA’s sounds a bit more auto-tuned and Cosgrove’s sounds a bit more teen girly pop.

Miranda Cosgrove 'Kissin U'

Miranda Cosgrove 'Disgusting'

KE$HA 'Disgusting' (DEMO)


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