
Kid Sister 'Control'

OMG, this is a must!

I remember obtaining this back in early 2008 but never giving it a listen until a few months ago. I honestly wanted to hit myself in the face, it is that good. I have so much music in my iTunes, that I don't know which is new and which is not. I need to be a bit more organized. Anyways, so like I was saying. This girl right here has mad skills. This song is just a little taste of what her album 'Ultraviolet' is all about. 'Control' was chosen as Kid Sister's first single released through iTunes back in 2007 but then taken back to be re-released in 2008. I read somewhere online that many people see her as a wannabe 'Nicki Minaj', I personally don't see any similarity. Nicki is more like a Rap & Hip-Hop kind of girl, and Kid Sister is more Electro. Wathever the situation is, they both got game to me.



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